Ningbo Nottingham New Materials Institute
余姚电气化中心 办公室经理 1名
Position: Office Manager for Nottingham YuYao Electrification Centre
Salary& Benefits: Competitive Salary
Contract Status: Full-time, fixed-termfor 2 years contract, starting from 1 July 2017 or ASAP thereafter.
Join a uniqueBritish University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)was the first Sino-foreign University to open its doors in China. This awardwinning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a studentbody of over 6,000 in just 10 years.
Applications areinvited for the above post in the Nottingham Yuyao Electrification ResearchCentre, a newly established Institute jointly supported by The University ofNottingham and the Yuyao Government in China with a deal valued at £18M overfive years. The institute focuses on industry projects related to electricalmachine and drives for industrial and electric vehicle applications.
The successful candidatewill be responsible for support and development of daily operational managementrole for the Institute and manage the relationships with the University, regionaland national governmental agencies as well as industrial partners. The roleholder will be responsible for liaison with the University’s HR, research, KEand procurement offices and will also be responsible for setting and managingthe marketing strategy of the institute.
MainDuties and Responsibilities:
· To manage the daily office operation of theinstitute.
· To plan and mange any future expansion ofthe institute’s operational office.
· To manage the relationship withuniversity’s HR, RKE, estates and procurement offices.
· To establish and manage the institute’smarketing strategy.
· To assist in the preparation of industrialbids and proposals for collaborative research and innovation activities;
· To liaise withcustomers and university finance office to ensure appropriate financialprocesses.
· To support the development of contractualagreements for the successful management of contracts and projects;
· To be responsible for the overallmanagement, monitoring, evaluating and closure of the YEC’s KTPs and generatequarterly update reports for the Director of Institute;
· To administer the implementation andauditing of quality management systems for all KTP activities;
· To promote the Institute’s activities insupport of services rendered and income generation when working with companiesand groups;
· To develop and maintain relationships withindustrial partners;
· To take part in staff developmentactivities consistent with continuous professional development;
· Any other duties appropriate to the grade androle of the person appointed;
· The post holder may also need to undertakegeneral office duties as required.
余姚电气化研究中心 技术项目经理
Job Title: Technical Project Manager, Nottingham YuyaoElectrification Research Centre
Contract Status: This post isavailable immediately and will initially be offered on a fixed-term contractwith the Nottingham Yuyao Electrification Research Centre for a period of up to three years.
Hours of Work: Full-time
Salary: Competitive Salary
Location: Nottingham Yuyao Electrification Research Centre
Job Outline:
Nottingham Yuyao Electrification ResearchCentre isa recently established institute by theUniversity of Nottingham and Yuyao Government. The institute focuses onindustrial research and technology transfer in the fields of advancedelectrical machines, electrical drive system control and power electronics. Applicationareas include industrial systems and electric vehicles.
We are looking for an enthusiastic individualwho will take responsibility in delivering technical projects by working with amultidisciplinary team of engineers as well with industrial and commercialpartners.
Candidates must have a PhD in electrical engineeringor equivalent industrial experience related to electrical machines and drivesystems. Operational planning, project management and business skills are alsodesired. It is expected that the successful candidate will demonstrate highlevel communication and organizational skills and an aptitude for liaison with government bodies and external projectcollaborators.
Main Duties & Responsibilities:
· Managetechnical projects, achieve objectives by contributing information andrecommendations to strategic plans and reviews.
· Deliver research as part of a collaborative team and contribute to theachievement of research objectives
· Investigatepotential market, product demand technical requirements and manufacture challenges
· Accomplishpreparing and completing project plans; implementing production, productivityand quality, implementing improvements and changes
· Coordinateengagement with industrial bodies around related projects, working closely withUniversity research team, industrial partners and academic partners to supportthe development of industrial projects.
· Assistin the co-ordination of the research and related administrative tasks inNottingham Yuyao Electrification Research Centre, including liaising with governmentbodies and external project collaborators.
联系人JOJO Chen
依托深受信任的国企背景,汇聚业界领先的顾问精英团队,拥有经过国家商务部、公安部、教育部等权威部门认证的从业资格,致力于为客户量身打造高品质的投资移民、海外置业、国际交流等综合涉外服务,帮助全球中国公民打开海外广阔的发展天地。 |