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企业邀请函 | 2021年宁波诺丁汉大学秋季校园招聘宣讲会开启报名

发表于 2021-7-29 16:43:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
" style="visibility: hidden;">

Dear Employers,


The Admissions and Career Development Office (ACDO) has been committed to building a communication platform for industry-leading companies and UNNC quality students. Thanks to the great assistance of employers, various activities organized by the ACDO have achieved gratifying results in the past year. Thank you very much for the company's favor and care for our school's students, as well as their strong support to our school's employment work!


In the past year and a half, in the face of the special environment of the epidemic, ACDO has constructed and perfected a new form of online communication between enterprises and students. The new form of traditional activities can not only help our students find suitable positions more quickly, but also help the company acquire talents more efficiently.


The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China, established in 2004, with the full approval of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It introduces the teaching resources and quality assurance system of the University of Nottingham, one of the world's leading universities, to recruit domestic and international undergraduates, masters and PhDs. Simultaneously, it operates under the supervision of an international third-party accreditation body and is the only Chinese university accredited by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in the UK.

宁波诺丁汉大学目前在校学生约 9200人,预计应届毕业生及其数量如下:
Currently, there are approximately 9200 current students on campus, including:

- 更强的英语语言能力(全校学生除精通英语外, 学生还通过小语种课程,掌握德语/法语/西班牙语/日语/韩语等语言)并善于交流表达。我们采用小班化、全英文的国际化教育,鼓励学生在课堂上勇于交流表达。
Better language skills.  (Apart from English,  loads of students are also fluent in French/ German/ Spanish/ Japanese/ Korean through courses of Language Centre) and better at communication and expression. We adopt international education with small classes and full English and encourage students to communicate bravely in class.

- 更强的自主学习能力在UNNC,学生拥有更多的时间,也拥有更强的自主性去确定、实现个人目标。
Better self-study skills. In UNNC, students have more time and greater autonomy to set up and achieve personal goals.

- 更明确的个人目标 我们尊重学生的个人选择,同样,自学生入学起,我们也为学生提供全职业规划与指导,帮助他们确定更清晰的个人发展目标。
More specific personal goals. We respect students' personal choices, and in the same way, we provide students with full career planning and guidance from the beginning of their enrollment to help them set clearer personal development goals.

- 更加勇于创新我们致力于为学生提供充足优质的科研资源,鼓励学生勇于创新。
More innovative.We are committed to providing students with sufficient and high-quality scientific research resources and encouraging students to be innovative.

- 更强的团队合作能力无论在课堂、测试、社团或者项目活动中,我们都希望学生通过团队合作取得更加长足的进步。
Stronger teamwork ability.Whether in class, on tests, in clubs, or in project activities, we hope that students will make further progress through teamwork.



The excellent teachers and students of UNNC come from all over the world. Teachers and students of different skin colors, different beliefs, and different cultural backgrounds live and study together, which contributes to the unique international atmosphere in UNNC. This is also in line with hope of Chinese government that the new generation of talents should have the consciousness of a "community with a shared future for mankind".


宁波诺丁汉大学下拥有 大学院 分别为 诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)、人文与社会科学学院、理工学院 和研究生学院(扫描下方二维码以获取更多信息),各学院年级专业信息请见下表。

There are three faculties on campus: Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHSS), Faculty of Science and Engineering (FoSE) and Graduate School (scan the following QR codes for more information). Please refer to the following tables for detailed information.

List of Undergraduate Courses
List of Postgraduate Courses/Programmes
List of Doctoral Programmes

- 更多有关博士生项目的详细信息请查看下方链接。
- Please refer to the following link for detailed information about Doctoral Programmes.

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2020届宁波诺丁汉大学本科、硕士毕业生六个月后的就业率分别达到 92.2%93.4%,博士毕业生实现 100% 就业。86.0% 以上直接就业的硕士毕业生受雇于中国乃至世界知名企业和机构。
The employment rates for the 2020 cohort of Nottingham Ningbo undergraduate and master's graduates after six months reached 92.2% and 93.4% respectively, and PhD graduates achieved 100% employment. More than 86.0% of graduates were hired by well-known companies and institutions globally and in China.

外资及合资企业就职的本科毕业生中 ,76.5% 在世界 500 强和全球行业龙头企业工作;在民营企业就职的本科毕业生中,在大型集团,上市公司,知名国内企业工作的比例为 67.2%
76.5% of undergraduates working in foreign-funded and joint-venture enterprises are working in Fortune 500 and global industry leaders; 67.2% of undergraduates working in private enterprises are working in large conglomerates, listed companies and well-known domestic enterprises.

*扫描上方二维码查看 2019/20学年就业质量年度报告,了解更多有关 2019/20 学年学生就业情况的信息。
* Scan the above QR code to view 2019/20 Academic Year Careers and Employability Annual Report for the latest 2019/20 student careers employment information.

在此, 我们谨向贵公司发出 诚挚邀请, 欢迎贵公司来校宣传企业文化,挑选心仪的优秀人才。
Here, we extend a sincere invitation to your company and welcome your company to UNNC to promote corporate culture and select talents you like.

我们将向贵公司提供 线上线下 两种宣讲会形式以供选择。贵公司可根据安全、宣讲效果等各方面情况综合考虑,以选择适合的宣讲方式。无论雇主是想宣传公司的卓越文化、吸纳英才还是想分享招聘面试知识技巧、共享最新招聘信息都可以通过宣讲会来进行。
Due to the pandemic this year, we provide online and offlinepresentations for companies to choose from. Companies can choose the appropriate presentation form according to their own situation to achieve better effect.

During the employer presentation, you can:

若贵公司有意参与本次活动,请务必扫描二维码,填写 企业意向调查问卷
If you are interested in participating in this event, please scan the QR code and fill in the Company Intention Questionnaire.

请注意:此问卷仅作意向调查之用,不作为报名最终结果。后续我办将通过 邮件或电话 的方式与贵公司进行进一步沟通
Please note: This questionnaire is only a survey of intent, not as the final result of registration. In the follow-up, our office will further communicate with your company via email or telephone.

Feel free to contact us if any question from your side.

邮件 E-mail
- careers@nottingham.edu.cn
电话 Landline
- (+86)(0)574 8818 0000 (Ext. 9103/8769)
学校官网 Official Website
- https://www.nottingham.edu.cn/

Admissions and Career Development Office
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