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发表于 2017-3-30 14:42:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式





这位是英国诺丁汉大学执行校长大卫Ÿ格林纳威爵士(Sir David Greenaway),他发表讲话,隆重介绍了新任的执行校长陆明彦教授,因为他有着卓越的的学术成就并且很了解中国文化,最后,他坦率地说“最重要的是我相信他”。








这位是Seeram Ramakrishna教授。Seeram Ramakrishna教授任教于新加坡国立大学,材料工程方面的专家。杨福家校长向Ramakrishna教授颁发思源讲座教授证书。






Living and Working in Ningbo

Many tutors say that living in Ningbo is quite challenging for them and it takes a long time to get used to it. Is it also a problem for you? And how about living and working here?

It’s OK for me because I have been in Ningbo since the early August, and I have experienced the hot summer here. I believe if I can survive the August in Ningbo, I can survive everything. You know I have come to China many times, and people always fight for weather changes every season; but it’s lucky that I can experience these changes. For me, I really like to see the falling leaves, the snow and so on, which remind me the change of time.

And how is working in Ningbo going?

Working is a different thing. When I was the Pro-Vice-Chancellor in UK campus for 8 years, I was responsible for only one area, about business and enterprises. But in UNNC, I am the Provost here, in another word is like the headmaster in high school. I have to be responsible for all things in different aspects. I will shoulder more responsibilities; however, I like challenges and being busy. And the most important objective of my work is to make sure we can deliver the best education our students’ experience.

Impressions of UNNC

Could you talk about the feelings when you know that you will become the provost in UNNC?

Actually I feel a little relieved! If someone else took the job, I might be hurt and angry ;-)

Why is that? Did you have plans of coming to work in UNNC before?

Secretly. You know I have come to China many times in almost 10 years, and I saw UNNC grow from nothing to something really special. The idea that I should go to UNNC grew and grew, and I knew I had to do this sometime in my career.

That is quite a relationship! So what is your first impression of UNNC?

That was an interesting story when I first came to UNNC in 2007. I arrived at 1 a.m. in the darkness and don’t ask me why, but I brought my roller skates with me. I just came from UK, and I woke up at 5 a.m. It was so quiet so I planned to go skating on campus. That was the first time I saw UNNC in daylight. I could not believe how can Nottingham build such a magnificent and ambitious place! Although the university did not have many students at that time, the whole campus just looked like Hollywood movie set. That left me a profound impression of UNNC which affects me to this day.

Well, to be honest, don’t you think UNNC is a small campus?

Small? I don’t think our campus is small. UNNC is even bigger than some famous universities like Princeton and Brown. Also, UNNC is small but special, because it's more like a community. If the campus grow as big as Zhejiang University, it’s very likely that we may lose this specialty. But we may expand some to improve the quality for more students.

Differences between UNNC and UNUK

Many people claim that Chinese students can do well in exams but are not active in class. How do you think about it?

I think it’s only half true. Although I taught only few classes in UNNC so far this year, I found Chinese students didn’t ask many questions in the class; however, they always ask me tons of questions after the class. And I believe, with more experience in UNNC, there will be more students asking questions in the class.

Do you think there are huge differences between UNNC and UNUK?

We make sure that the academic quality is the same but we cannot ignore the diversity problem. In UNUK, there are international students from about 117 countries and 70% are from European countries. But here in Ningbo, 90% of the students are from Mainland China. That’s good because we got many hard-working students. But since naturally the main language is still Chinese, students cannot improve their English language skills completely. Also, many international students may feel hard to build network with local students. We want to improve the situation over time, maybe by increasing the proportion of international students. Now we have an international president of Students’ Union, which is a very good start for better integration. Additionally, since international students want to know more about Chinese language and culture, while Chinese parents may want their children to get involved in the international environment, we may one day try to arrange Chinese students and international students living together, just as they do in UNUK. The important first step is to start those conversations.

Annoying Notting-ducks

Some students are very concerned about the Notthing-ducks, which are really annoying sometimes; do you think there should be any measures to manage them?

The Notting-ducks (I think that these are really a species of Canada Goose BTW) are really disturbing sometimes. I remember there was a weekend, when I came home at night; there are many geese around my house front door. I had to use the back door to get in. We have similar challenges in the UK and have to use sensible measures to control their access to the campus. We have similar plans here which should allow geese and students to co-exist harmoniously!

Resource Allocation Inequality within Departments

Some students think the expenses on engineering & architecture students seem to exceed that on business & economics students. Is it fair for them to spend the same amount of tuition? And why can’t business students have access to the computers with higher quality in SEB?

Well, the expenses on engineering & architecture students seem to be higher because they can use the high-tech experiment labs. But for business students, almost all business professors are in the real business world and to teach you how to make money and we need to attract top class talent from international business, banking etc. Also the students in social science should be accessing mentorship and entrepreneurship programmes etc to make sure that they get the full value from their UNNC experience. We’re also looking at user policies campus wide so that ALL students can use IT facilities in any building, subject to common sense usage.

Professor Chris Rudd said that UNNC is a unique and exciting place. It is a wonderful opportunity to work with some inspiring people at an extraordinary time and continue to make history here. We are extremely looking forward Professor Rudd to lead our UNNC to a better future.




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