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Dear Employers,
For a long time, Admissions and Career Development Office (ACDO) has been committed to building a communication platform between students and companies.
At present, various activities organized by ACDO have become an important way of employment for students. Every year, talents from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) are sent to leading companies in various industries. We can't acheive this without help from you.
Thank you for your great support for career activities in the university!
英国诺丁汉大学建于 1881 年,是稳居 全球高校排名前 100 位 的世界一流大学。作为英国诺丁汉大学的中国分校区,宁波诺丁汉大学创建于 2004 年,是中国 第一所 具有独立校园、独立法人资格的 中外合作大学,也是中国第一所普及小班化、全英文课堂和导师制度的大学。
Established in 1881, the University of Nottingham is among worldwide top 100 universities according to the QS World University Rankings. As a branch of the University of Nottingham, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), established in 2004, is the first Sino-foreign University in China, and the first university in China to popularize small classes, full English classrooms and tutor systems.
宁波诺丁汉大学办学接受国际第三方评审机构监督,是 唯一 获得英国高等教育质量保障署(QAA)认可的中国高校。
Most notably, UNNC accepts the supervision of an international third-party accreditation body and is the only Chinese university that has been accredited by the British Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).
宁波诺丁汉大学目前在校学生约 7500 人,预计应届毕业生如下:
Currently, there are approximately 7500 current students on campus, including:
具体信息请点击文末 “阅读原文” 以查阅雇主手册。
For specific information, please click “Read More” to read the Employer Service Guidance for reference.
宁波诺丁汉大学一直坚持采用 英式教育模式,进行小班化教学、合作式学习,培养学生自主学习、科研及团队协作能力,进而引导学生掌握研究、分析与表达所学学科的核心内容。我校致力于为社会培养具有优秀英语能力、突出创造力和宽阔眼界的高质量学生。
UNNC insists on adopting British education systems, small class size and cooperative learning. Our emphasis on teaching quality and excellence in all that we do extends to a commitment to provide a British-style learning environment: an environment that is dynamic, engaging, empowering, research informed, internationally oriented, but locally grounded. UNNC provides high-quality students with strong linguistic skills, remarkable creativity, and broad horizons.
在宁波诺丁汉大学,国际化的特色体现在生活的方方面面,无论是科研、教学、学生群体还是遍布全球的校友。校内国际生的人数达 750 多人,来自 全球 70 个国家和地区,使学校有浓厚的国际化氛围。
In UNNC, the international atmosphere extends to every facet of life, whether it is our research, our teaching, our student community or global alumni. On the campus, there are now more than 750 international students from 70 countries and regions.
另外,作为国际研究型大学 U21 成员之一,宁波诺丁汉大学现与遍布 40 个国家和地区的 130 多所海外一流院校 建立密切交流合作关系,保证每一位学生都有体验海外学习的机会。
Otherwise, as a member of the International Research University U21, UNNC has established close cooperation with more than 130 first-class overseas universities in 40 countries and regions to ensure that everystudent has the opportunity to experience overseas learning.
宁波诺丁汉大学下设 四大学院,分别为诺丁汉大学商学院(中国),人文与社会科学学院、理工学院和研究生院(扫描下方二维码以获取更多信息),各学院年级专业信息请见下表。
There are four faculties on campus: Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHSS), Faculty of Science and Engineering (FoSE) and Graduate School (scan the following QR codes for more information). Please refer to the following tables for detailed information.
List of Undergraduate Courses
List of Postgraduate Courses/Programmes
- 标注 * 的为研究型硕士项目,其余为授课型硕士专业。
- * is for research programmes, others are taught courses.
List of Doctoral Programmes
- 更多有关博士生项目的详细信息请查看下方链接。
- Please refer to the following link for detailed information about Doctoral Programmes.
← 滑动查看更多信息 →
← Swipe for more information →
2019 届宁波诺丁汉大学本科、硕士毕业生六个月后的就业率分别达到 96.5%、97.6%,博士毕业生实现 100% 就业。78% 直接就业的研究生受雇于中国乃至世界知名企业和机构。
In 2019, the employment rates of undergraduate and master students after six months reached 96.5%, 97.6% respectively, and employment rates of PhD graduates reached 100%. 78% of postgraduates were hired by well-known companiesand institutions in China and the world.
在外资及合资企业就职的本科毕业生中,88.8% 在世界 500 强和全球行业龙头企业就职;选择在民营企业就职的本科毕业生中,43.6% 的毕业生在大型集团、上市公司、知名国内企业工作。
Of the undergraduates working in foreign and joint ventures, 88.8% work for Fortune 500 companies and global industry leaders. Among the undergraduates who choose to work in private enterprises, 43.6% work in large groups, listed companies, and well-known domestic companies.
* 扫描上方二维码查看 2018/19学年就业质量年度报告,了解更多有关 2018/19 学年学生就业情况的信息。
* Scan the above QR code to view 2018/19 Academic Year Careers and Employability Annual Report for the latest 2018/19 student careers employment information.
在此,我们谨向贵公司发出 诚挚邀请,欢迎贵公司来校宣传企业文化,挑选心仪的优秀人才。
We would like to extend our sincere invitation to you to visit UNNC, promote your corporate culture, and recruit our students.
由于今年的特殊情况,我们提供 线上 和 线下 两种宣讲会形式以供企业选择。企业可根据自身情况,选择合适的宣讲会方式,以达到更好的宣讲效果。
Due to the pandemic this year, we provide online and offline presentations for companies to choose from. Companies can choose the appropriate presentation form according to their own situation to achieve better effect.
During the employer presentation, you can:
若贵公司有意愿参加此次活动,请务必扫描上方二维码,填写 企业意向调查问卷。
If you are interested in participating in this event, please scan the QR code above and fill in the Company Intention Questionnaire.
此问卷仅为 意向调查,不作为报名最终结果。
后续我办会通过 邮件或电话 进一步确认细节信息。
This questionnaire is only an intention survey, which is not your final confirmation.
We will contact you further by email or phone for detailed information collection.
Feel free to contact us if any question from your side.
邮件 E-mail
- careers@nottingham.edu.cn
电话 Landline
- (+86)(0)574 8818 0000 (Ext. 9103/8769)
学校官网 Official Website
- https://www.nottingham.edu.cn/cn/
Admissions and Career Development Office
本期幕后 | Doris、Ray
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